Linus Sebastian Net Worth and Details of How He Makes His Money

Even though tech has become an indispensable part of human existence, most people still find it hard to understand all the intricacies involved. It, therefore, means that anybody who can explain these intricacies in an easy-to-understand manner stands to make a lot of money. One person who has done exactly this and has built up a net worth of $6 million in the process is Linus Sebastian.

Founder of the popular Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel, Sebastian and his crew dedicates themselves to simplifying the tech world for the layman through product reviews, news coverage, as well as mind-blowing tweaks to hardware. All these have helped them to amass a legion of fans across several YouTube channels. They have also partnered with varied tech-oriented companies, both the small and big fishes.

The Canadian YouTube personality, presenter, producer and the founder of Linus Media Group, Linus Sebastian has a net worth of $6 million.

Here are details of his net worth and how he achieved it

Chronicling Linus Sebastian’s Journey from Tech Store Employee to YouTube Star

Linus Sebastian, aka Linus Tech Tips, is worth an alluring $6 million and much of this comes from his media/YouTube empire which has some fairy-tale beginnings. As the story goes, Sebastian previously worked as a product manager, sales rep, and designer for an online electronics retail store known as NCIX. At some point, his employers asked him to produce and host videos on their NCIX Tech Tips channel. This was his first taste of such a gig and by the year 2008, Linus Tech Tips was developed as an offshoot of NCIX Tech Tips.

Did You Know: As of September 2020, Linus Tech Tips is ranked the most watched Technology channel on YouTube, and in 2014, Tubefilter named the channel as being within the “top 1% of Google’s preferred advertising channels” on YouTube for the technology category.

It would then become an independent venture in 2013 after Sebastian left NCIX and co-founded the Linus Media Group in January 2013. Other founding members were the likes of Edzel Yago, Luke Lafreniere, and Brandon Lee. Both Luke and Edzel worked at NCIX in one capacity and believed enough in Sebastian to follow him when he left. Luckily, their trust in his abilities was not misplaced as the Linus Media Group quickly grew from a garage space to a repurposed house office within years.

The primary activity that fuelled the group’s growth is their main YouTube channel, Linus Tech Tips. The channel provides interesting content to members of the public such as useful reviews of tech products as well as emerging innovations in the tech world. They have also been known to help people assemble their dream Personal Computers with their own specifications. For instance, in 2016, Linus and his team assembled a Personal Computer that can allow seven users to play games simultaneously.

The project took about $30,000 worth of components to complete. It was impractical in terms of cost and size, and so was dissembled after a month, but it was nonetheless a cool creation and so the video was watched by millions of people. It is interesting content such as this that has kept viewers coming back for more and the Linus Media Group now has several YouTube channels under their umbrella. These channels cumulatively boast tens of millions of followers as well as billions of views. They are:

  • Linus Tech Tips – which covers product reviews and building of hardware (12.5 million subscribers and 4.3 billion views)
  • Tech Quickie – serves as a video encyclopedia of technology concepts in an easy-to-understand manner (3.6 million subscribers and 552 million views).
  • Tech Linked – delivers tech news and discussions in a rapid-fire but humorous manner (1.38 million subscribers and 206 million views).
  • Carpool Critics – a spoiler-filled but not so serious chat about movies (70K+ subscribers and 800K+ viewers).
  • LMG Clips – features condensed clips and highlights from other Linus Media Group channels (232K+ subscribers and 31.3 million views)
  • Linus Cat Tips – cute cat videos (244K+ subscribers and 10.6 million views).
  • Short-circuit – for unboxings as well as other discussions that don’t make it to Linus Tech Tips (1.22 million subscribers and 85.7 million views).
  • Channel Superfun – for games, toys, and challenges (799K+ subscribers and 101 million views).
Some Interesting Highlights:
  • Linus Tech Tips was created – November 25, 2008
  • LinusCatTips was started – June 17, 2010
  • Linus Sebastian Married YVONNE HO, the Chief financial officer of Linus Media Group – 2011
  • TechQuickie was started – January 15, 2012
  • Super Fun was created – May 28, 2014
  • Started TechLinked – May 3, 2018
  • Started LMG Clips – September 21, 2019
  • Started ShortCircuit – January 24, 2020
  • Started Carpool Critics – December 20, 2019
  • Reached 10 Million Subscribers on Linus Tech Tips – January, 2020

How Does Linus Sebastian Make his Money?

He Earns about $200,000 Monthly from his YouTube Channels

The primary contributor to Linus Sebastian’s net worth is the ad revenue that he gets from his YouTube channels. According to YouTube’s monetization policy, creators get paid about $2 per 1,000 views. Linus’ videos averages about 111 million views a month, with Linus Tech Tips accounting for a large percentage of this, which means that he makes as much as $222,000 monthly. Cumulatively, the Linus Media Group’s YouTube channels have totalled over 5.5 billion views meaning that the company has possibly earned as much as $11 million from YouTube ad revenue payments alone.

His Company has Partnered with Tech Giants such as Intel and Cisco

Another source through which Linus Sebastian has grown his net worth is his company’s partnerships with other organizations out there. Given the huge influence that the Linus Media Group has on YouTube thanks to their popular channels, many big brands understand that they are a fine medium through which they can reach a good number of potential customers all at once. They, therefore, have no problem paying the big bucks in order to have their ads featured in Linus Tech Tips videos or have their products reviewed there. Thus far, the Linus Media Group has partnered with companies such as Newegg,,,,,, Shopify, and Squarespace. They have also done business with big brands such as Intel, Cisco, and IBM and Linus Sebastian’s net worth is all the better for it.

Linus Tech Tips has a Popular Merch Line That is Retailed via the Internet.

Linus Sebastian is also cashing out big on merchandise sales. His Linus Tech Tips channel has a popular merchandise line that is retailed via an online store. The line features items such as insulated water bottles, pillows, and beanies. There is also clothing such as shirts, hoodies, hats, and sweaters. These items retail from $12.00 to as much as $40.00 and a visit to the website would reveal that they are quite popular with the buying public as most items are often sold out.

He Released His First Book, The ABC’s of Gaming, in 2020

As if what he has already accomplished isn’t incredible enough, Linus Sebastian has also added author to his resume. The popular YouTuber and his company released a board book titled the ABC’s of Gaming in 2020. The book features a fully-custom illustrated text which aims to provide a fun tech-themed ABC journey for both kids and adults. It is ideally targeted at kids between the ages of six months and three years but the fun rhymes and bright illustrations can also be enjoyed by older kids. The book is retailed online for about $14.00.

Sources of Linus Sebastian’s Net Worth

  • YouTube Earnings – $11 million
  • Corporate sponsors – N/A
  • Book sales – N/A
  • Merch line – N/A
Ngozika Agu
Ngozika Agu
Ngozika can turn any personal finance or entertainment information into an exciting, delightful and compelling article that informs and educates, she can quickly turn random letters into epic stories that not only entertain but also inspires or motivates


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